Question Marks (2022, ongoing)
5.5" x 8.5"
Paper, tape, ink.
This simple activity explores how our preexisting assumptions and frameworks tend to dictate how and what we ask and answer. Participants unknowingly created “answers” first, and “questions” afterward.
Participants received a piece of paper with three folded and numbered tabs, each taped closed. They were instructed to unfold each tab in order, and complete the instruction under one tab before opening the next. The first two tabs instructed participants to make marks with a pen. The final tab instructed them to create a question for which their marks could serve as answers.
Collected at Other Places art fair, San Pedro, CA, 2022
Responses (click to view slideshow):
Collected at CalArts Happenings, Valencia, CA, 2023
Responses (click to view slideshow):